Flexible Protection for Healthcare Practitioners
It is critical for healthcare practitioners including physicians, dentists, hospitals and healthcare facilities to make informed decisions about the medical malpractice insurance they buy.
Hilb Group provides cover both on an occurrence and a claims-made basis. One insures claims for incidents that happened when the policy was in force, providing long-term protection. The other covers claims that arise and are reported while the policy is in force. Coverage for claims reported when this sort of policy has expired requires additional ‘tail coverage’.
If you elect to change insurers, ‘Prior Acts’ (or ‘nose’) coverage must be bought. A licensed Hilb Group broker can help you wade through these complicated options, and ensure you are covered today and into the future.
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What our clients think of us…
The staff at Hilb Group has been very professional and efficient in assisting me with my Medical Malpractice coverage. They regularly evaluate my coverage needs and keep me up-to-date and informed of changes in the industry. I have been very pleased with the services provided by Hilb Group and look forward to working with their staff for many years.