Consulting Services
For your employees and your company to derive the most value from your investment in an employee benefit plan, we provided consulting services tailored to meet your specific administrative and compliance needs. Our programs encompass the consulting, actuarial, and brokerage services listed below. Annual fees are based upon the time of the individuals on our team. You also may expand the scope of services at any time for an additional fee.

Renewal Services
- Underwriting analysis of renewal
- Creating actuarial rates
- Claims analysis to isolate problematic areas using the trusted retirement solutions resource called PlanAdviser
- Claims analysis to isolate problematic areas using Decision Master Warehouse (DMW) for the year
- Interpret claims data and develop action plan
- Mid-year renewal
- Insurance carrier contract renewal
- Carrier evaluation
- Voluntary needs analysis and market study
- RFP creation
- Plan design modeling
- Ancillary lines of coverage renewal
Strategic Services
- Employee Questionnaire
- Creation of employee benefits strategic plan
- Benchmark plan design for comparison
- New employee administration
- Ongoing service with carrier
- Employee enrollment meetings
- Collection and review of enrollment materials
- Enrollment communication to carrier
- Retirement plan administration
- Enrollment communication campaign
Employee Communication
- Employee newsletters
- Benefits education campaign
- Employee benefit statements
- Wellness campaign
- Social media consulting
- Compliance Resources
- Health Care Reform news and information
- Health Care Reform penalty modeling
- Information on compliance with federal and/or state laws including:
- Internal Revenue Code Section 125
- Medicare Part D
- Additional employment laws
- Summary Plan Description audit
- Human Resources
- Portal for employees to access HR/benefits information
- Time-off tracking
- Employee handbook
- Access to professional community
- Benchmark survey data
- HR library of forms
Stewardship Report
As part of a consulting agreement or as an additional service, we can develop and implement a detailed account stewardship plan for you that includes:
- Specific quantifiable and measurable goals and objectives for our team relating to your company’s programs; and
- Detailed work plans that lay out the account management plan, work schedules, areas of concentration, timing and information requirements.
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What our clients think of us…
They offered everything I was looking for. Their team has the experience and connections to negotiate insurance rates and the industry expertise to be a general HR advisor for any issue that comes up.