Gordon A O’Neill, III Managing Director & Producer
Phone Number: 301-863-6625
Email Address: goneill@hilbgroup.com
Division: Raley Watts O'Neill
As an agency leader, Gordon is involved in many aspects of the agency, with a particular focus on sales and our commercial clients. His insurance career started in 1987 with the Alger & O’Neill Insurance Agency when Gordon went to work with his father. 2006 Alger & O’Neill merged with Raley Watts & Associates becoming Raley Watts & O’Neill, which is now part of Hilb Group. He served as President of the agency since 1998. He is active in the community through various endeavors, including being on the Board of Directors for St. Mary’s Ryken High School, a member of The MD Chamber of Commerce, a Knights of Columbus Charter member, a Rotarian, and a former College of Southern Maryland foundation board member, along with many years of helping with youth sports. Gordon received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland, College Park. He and his family live in Southern Maryland.